I am excited to announce that I have accepted a new academic position to join a stellar group of educators starting this fall as an Associate Professor of Design in the Design program at The South Carolina School of the Arts: Anderson University. Leaving IWU Art + Design and NCSU College of Design was difficult, but this new chapter opens space for continued social impact design research and teaching. In addition, being in and near Greenville/Anderson, SC, will allow for ongoing work with communities leaning into social justice initiatives, a space I feel deeply called to serve and support. Here's to a great new year ahead! #designfutures #socialimpactdesign #designeducation #research


Ill be speaking at UCDA’s 2022 Design Educators Summit on the ideas of debunking the immunity to change within design education. Excited to be joining so many amazing educators!

The 17th annual UCDA Design Education Summit is a national summit for design educators, chairs, and students, and continues an ongoing community created specifically for graphic design educators with opportunities for professional participation and development.


As we face all possible futures, design educators are expanding the pedagogical methods, institutional norms, and cultural roles of design education. Today’s design educators are interpreting, developing, and activating responses within their design courses, research and practice. Design educators are asking how learners will bring their lived experiences, positionality, and plurality into the classroom. They are asking how learners will define equity in historical, cultural, and societal narratives—redefining a professional discourse. They are asking how learners develop an awareness of their material choices and environmental impact. They are asking how learners will act independently, make individual choices and activate their personal agency to effect change in their life and practice.


Join us for the 2020 Midwest Design Week; I’ve been working on the panel below!


Hung-Hsiang Chen, Omar Rashan, Nicte Cuevas, and Jacinta Walker

Wednesday 9/23 6:00-8:00p ET

The cornerstone of creating a community is identifying and understanding its culture. Often, creative communities are complex spaces with a multitude of people and personalities. During this discussion, panelists will define and share their experiences navigating the culture. Then brainstorm ways to create a culture across creative communities.

 Moderated by Jacinda Walker introduced by HERB VINCENT PETERSON (AIGA Indy)


I had the awesome opportunity to meet up with an old colleague and fellow design educator, Pete Bella on his Podcast Design Dedux to discuss design education, social impact design, and other fun things. Take a listen!

The DESIGN DEDUX™ Podcast explores art and design education for faculty, mentors, students, and practitioners that are pursuing success in their work. "Dedux," meaning derived in Latin, is a very important element to the podcast discussion on design education — a young designers approach to design is a derivative of the design that has come before them as they add their design voice to the discussion on design, visually and intellectually.

2018-2019 Speaking Engagements

August 2018: Citizens Advisory Council: Indiana Wesleyan University

The Citizens Advisory Council is a group of leading Grant County citizens that meet quarterly for a 7:15 a.m. breakfast meeting on the IWU campus. Citizens Advisory Council provides an opportunity for IWU to engage Grant County leaders in thoughtful discussion, distribution of relevant and timely information, and solicit feedback on key issues being addressed in the Grant County community.

Keynote Speaker(s): Acknowledge, Accept, Show Up: The Story of Marion Design Co.
August 8th 2018 (Private Event)

Indiana Arts Homecoming 2018: October 18-19th Arts Campus Fort Wayne

Connect with fellow artists, arts organizations, arts advocates, and community leaders at Indiana’s statewide two-day arts conference in Fort Wayne that features more than 30 learning sessions focusing on big ideas and big ways to have an impact on community vibrancy through the arts. Come ready to learn, celebrate, and create and leave energized and empowered to bring the arts closer to the center of your community. This year’s Indiana Arts Homecoming will be combined with the 2018 Governor’s Arts Awards, which will be held at Sweetwater Sound, so it’s truly going to be an epic two days of arts in our state. You won’t want to miss it!

Session: Conduit for Revitalization: Community Focused Design Education
Friday 9 - 10am

Foundations in Flux: April 4-6th Columbus College of Art and Design, Columbus Ohio 2019
FATE: Foundations in Art Theory and Education: 17th Biannual Conference

As foundational learning continues to shift and grow, we educators find ourselves reinventing curricular structures to suit the needs of our first year students. We’re in a state of constant flux as we tackle new methods of technique and concept-based learning styles. But this challenging paradigm offers an opportunity: We can connect with our students on a human level as we navigate through issues in the educational, social, and political realm. At the upcoming FATE Conference Foundations in Flux, let’s dig into the ways we are engaging this new generation of global citizens -- and how we can do that better. 

Session Info: Coming Soon:


Super excited to share with you all the new banner(s) that we were able to install on the outside of the bank building in downtown Marion. With the help of Taylor Hite, Henrik Soderstrom, Summer Fisher, and Nate Sweeny we pulled off the task of mounting and drilling, eventually getting this 8ft x 20ft banner to look decent. Come by and check it out if you are in the neighborhood!

A big thank you to Dr. Michael Moffitt with the Indiana Wesleyan University Benevolence Grant and the Grant County Community Foundation for helping us make this happen. 


Excited to share with you all some new work inspired by two individuals who radically changed me and helped me to become better as a maker and connector of all things. 

“Between Here and There and Everywhere" is an text-based, interactive, and conceptual exhibition that utilizes key artworks and styles from Peterson’s past and present bodies of work – including various media from photographic images, optical illusion and sculptural elements, such as moving letters that unscramble throughout the duration of the show and a stool that invites viewers to remain the spectator while becoming the spectacle. Using text as image, viewers are invited to experience spacial vulnerability and digest questions regarding core decision making and the human fight against spiritual control. The new body of work by Peterson pushes against passivity and aggressively questions how, where, and why we make choice to allow God to intervene.

Union University Gallery of Art
August 16, 2016 through October 7, 2016


Marion Design Co.jpg

In November of 2015 I began a new project that would eventually unfold into one of the biggest adventures professionally I have ever been apart of. With a few colleagues and collaboration with the city of Marion, Indiana Wesleyan University, multiple organizations, and the citizens of Marion, we formed Marion Design Co. Occupying one of the oldest bank buildings on the downtown square, MDCO. is a community based design studio with the aim to help Marion realize and develop it's identity. Through multiple collaborations, we have taken on urban revitalization, mission and value building, identity development and ui/ux for the current Marion website. We are unbelievably excited to see this project continue to unfold. Please follow us and get involved!